Profe en C@sa

For Cucumelo Films, it is an honor to be part of this visionary project that aims to transform education in our country.
What is Profe en c @ sa?

A program born of audiovisual culture, which moves young people worldwide, through which the Costa Rican educational system is committed to the implementation of strategies and methodological resources that align the interests and needs of that population with the contents curricula formalized in the Programs of Study, offered in the Ministry of Public Education (MEP). To this end, the "Profe en c @ sa" project is launched.

"Profe en c @ sa" aims to promote the dissemination of good teaching and learning practices for teachers and students, through the creation of a collection of videos for self-training and exchange of experiences in various curricular areas, through its publication on a website , which will be administered by the Ministry of Public Education (MEP).

In the first phase, the MEP created the online channels and is publishing high quality professional videos. Then there will be a second phase, where teachers who wish to join this effort, can record and send their own videos to be published. And finally, in the third phase, the students will be able to record themselves and send their own explanations, and then post them on the "Profe en c @ sa" channels.

The project will start with the most problematic contents of seventh and eleventh year, and then expand to cover all secondary subjects. Subsequently, the project would also be extended to primary school.

These videos meet the quality standards necessary to attract the attention of students and teachers throughout the country, and motivate their participation, as a tool that promotes learning and contributes to the fight against student desertion.

The Profe en Casa channels are: