Soy improvisao
"In the arena as in life, they just improvise."

Soy improvisao

Product Type: Feature Film

Génder: Documentary


The documentary project Soy Improvisao is acelebration full of bulls and Tico folklore, it unexpectedly becomes the chronicle of three men who, by improvising with bulls, give meaning to their lives. Their goal is to find themselves, facing their fears, taking the bull by the horns. A discreet, simple work, full of flashes of life.

I go with God to the redondel and if I do not return it is because I went with Him.

Proyecto Documental improvisao

The Zapote bullring is the stage where Laisa, Pity and Cuchufleta not only face the bull, but through each of their exploits seek to define their masculinity. Performance, death and loneliness define the quest of these men inside and outside the redondel.

Making a documentary of the improvised bullfighters was not only a creative challenge but also a production challenge, since prior to the work of Cucumelo Films  Several local and international producers had tried to produce a feature film on this subject but did not succeed, for that reason we worked for 7 years on a work that makes us proud for its honesty and scope. Documentary project Soy Improvisao.

My job is to help people, mae, to make people laugh with a bull in front of me.

One day I got the idea to stand on my head. I say, "I'm going to take a chance." Then lying down, sitting, crouched down reading the newspaper.

Proyecto Documental Soy improvisao

Grabación de Soy improvisa'o

We know... we are professionals at what we do! Everyone has their own specialty.